Clean and Safe

A "clean and safe" establishment, as certified by "Turismo de Portugal"

Our company is a "clean and safe" establishment. We follow the health and safety rules established by the Portuguese National Tourism board board:

The World Health Organization has declared the Coronavirus pandemic as a global health emergency. To avoid risks and infections, we follow the “Clean and Safe” protocols, defined by the Portuguese National Tourism board. These are in agreement with the recommendations of the Portuguese National Health Service:

Internal training and establishing procedures for all staff:

Our staff has been trained specifically on the following matters:

  • Internal protocol regarding the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic.
  • How to follow the basic precaution measures and infection control regarding the Coronavirus Covid-19 procedures:
    • Hand sanitation: frequently wash hands with water and soap, for at least 20 seconds. Alternatively, use hand disinfectant with at least 70º alcohol. Cover every surface in your hands and rub them until dry.
    • Respiratory etiquette: cough or sneeze into your flexed forearm or use a paper tissue that should immediately be disposed.
    • Hand hygiene after coughing or sneezing and blowing your nose; avoid touching one’s eyes, nose and mouth with hands.
    • Social Conduct: change the frequency and ways of contact within the staff and with guests. This means avoiding any close contact, handshakes, kissing, shared workspaces and face-to-face meetings. Not sharing food, utensils, glasses and towels.
    • Self-monitoring: measuring body temperature twice a day and registering the results. Also, verifying any cough or any breathing difficulty.
    • How to follow “Direcção Geral da Saúde” guidelines for sanitation of all surfaces and the washing of clothes used in our establishments.

Information to all guests:

  • All guests are informed of the following:
    How to uphold basic precautions and infection control regarding the coronavirus agent.
  • Informing on the internal protocol regarding the Coronavirus agent.

The establishment has:

  • Individual protection equipment in sufficient number for all the staff involved in the activities.
  • Individual protection equipment for guests.

The internal cleaning and hygiene protocol ensures:

  • Washing all the fabrics and accessories worn in the activities at high temperatures, for all the staff and clients (at around 60ºC).
  • Supplying alcohol based hand sanitation, whenever justified, to the participants in all activities.
  • Hygiene or disinfection of all the equipment used, after each activity, according to the rules applied to each type of equipment.
  • Hygiene or disinfection of all transports used, after each activity, and according to the rules applied to each type of transport equipment.

Our organization assures:

  • Maintenance of social distancing between participants in all activities, according to the recommendations of the “Direcção Geral da Saúde”.
  • Maximum occupation of the transports used in the activities, according to the recommendations of the “Direcção Geral da Saúde”.
  • The distribution of information regarding the activities, preferably using digital/online platforms.
  • Following internal hygiene and safety protocols by partners involved in the activities.
    A member of the staff ready to put in place the procedures in case of suspicion of infection. This means taking the guest with symptoms to an isolation space, providing him/her with help and contacting the National Health Service).
  • The safe storage and containment of all residue that is suspected of being infected. This is to be stored in a sealed plastic bag that should be placed apart and sent to a licensed biological hazard operator.